Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Looking for a web designer

Copied from my post on x-plane.org:

Ben and I are in the process of moving the XSB website to a Content Management System so that I can directly edit the VERY outdated FAQ and other documents. It also will allow me to post new releases without having to take away from Ben's X-plane development time.

The problem is, Ben and I are both programmers, and are absolutely awful as web designers.

So here's your chance to contribute. We're looking for someone who either has experience working with the Drupal content management system, or just has high-quality CSS skills. Additionally the person needs to have good design sense too. Just knowing how to install a web server and MySQL isn't what we're looking for. We're looking for someone who considers themselves an actual web designer and can do crazy things like match colors.

This will likely be a one-time time commitment. That is, once the site is designed and up, there likely won't be anything left for the site designer to do. So it will not require a long-term time commitment. Additionally, we're only talking about a few templates/pages. This is NOT a major design project.

Anyone that's interested, please email me at wade@dogwatchsw.com


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Some work on the Mac ATC client

After many months of having no time to devote to the Mac radar client, I had a little bit of time over the weekend.

To properly set expectations on where things stand, right now it's just loading the sector file and drawing it. I had been having problems with zooming and panning that were bugging me, but those have been resolved.

However, despite my warnings of the rudimentary state at which we're at, I can't resist a small teaser:


That boys and girls, is KLAX from the ZLA sector file. (Only airports, runways and geo's are being drawn in this example.) The colors no doubt need adjusting, but any ZLA controller will certainly feel at home looking at that diagram.

So what's up next?

Before I get too far, I need to optimize the drawing routines, so that's probably next. Then I'll start wiring up the interface to allow the enabling / disabling of drawing of all the various sector file elements without having to change code. After that I'll start working on the text system (chat windows and such). Once all that is done, we'll be ready to start delving into networking and making planes move.